Sunday, 9 May 2010

Unlucky Productions...The editing stages

So while I was off filming for my individual project, the rest of the 'Unlucky' group were hard at work, editing our film using Final Cut. I tried to keep in touch with the group as much as possible over the editing process so I could now how it was all going.

When I got back from Cornwall, the first few scenes had been edited. There were a few tweaks that needed to be done to the scene with Adrian and his girlfriend Cheryl so I volunteered to do that. I was basically just trying to make the scene flow a bit better and had to cut out certain parts where tripods were visible. It was also very difficult editing the sound because the noise from the traffic was so loud. Sometimes when the shot changed you could notice a dip in the sound because of a passing motorbike, very frustrating! However, I did my best and it all seemed in order. We decided to use music from Bucklemunki, the subject of my individual project, with her permission. The music seemed to fit really well and helped to set each scene. Then the unthinkable happened...I thought I had saved it properly but when I reopened the project none of my amendments had been saved. A little stressful and certainly fitting in with our unluckiness. I would like to say that I learn from my mistakes but this actually happened twice. I can now honestly say though that I have certainly learned my lesson. Make sure you keep saving your work!!

There must have been a sale on at the spanner shop because there were lots of them being thrown in the works. It turned out that we hadn't set up the scratch disks properly so another scene got deleted.

Another few lessons learned? Make sure scratch disks are set up properly BEFORE you start editing. Also, name the clips as it makes it easier to locate and navigate.

Time was also a factor. We had a deadline to meet and I think that added pressure on us, making us a tad forgetful and sloppy at times. When we were eventually happy with our edit we realise we weren't quite finished as we were 4 minutes over our time limit! 4 minutes may not seem a large amount to cut out but considering that's 4 minutes out of a 12 minute film, that's a hell of a lot to take out.

This added to our worries as we were chopping massive chunks from scenes, hoping that the film as a whole made sense. This really did effect the entire film as some elements of the music were now slightly out of sync with how we wanted them beforehand.

We then had to create a DVD menu using iDVD. We attached music to this and a picture of Edem giving his evil Raggy eyes as the background. We also added some bloopers to the extras.

Overall I feel disappointed. I think we were too ambitious at first and we were trying to make a film that was out of our grasp. For this film to be successful we would have needed a more snappy script and easier ways to change from scene to scene to make it flow easier. We were let down at the last minute by a few actors which panicked us a lot and had some issues with locations. However, I feel that the end cast were excellent and an absolute pleasure to work with. I feel that this whole project has given us all a major learning curve. We need to be more organised and try to cover any situations that may go wrong before they go wrong.

Here is our final edited piece.

And here are the much more entertaining bloopers!!

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