Monday, 19 October 2009

Do I really wash??

Living away from home certainly slaps you in the face with responsibilities. Paying bills, buying food and just generally waking yourself up in the mornings. One thing that got me thinking though was how necessary it was to actually wash. Throughout history our opinions have changed towards personal hygiene. Life expectancy may have been a lot shorter a few hundred years ago and personal hygiene may have been accountable for that. However, right now we are entering a phase where people are health obsessed. Parents have their Domestos poised and ready to shoot at any unsuspecting child who has just walked through the door after playing in the mud. The article 'Can you be too clean?' describes the steady rise in asthma and other allergies due to this hyper-clean attitude.

This lead me to believe that this could be a great idea for a television show. Where one or a couple of people do not wash or clean for about 6 weeks. Instead they could maybe use natural resources. This could probably have an economic theme as well because I'm sure that the amount of bleach people pour down their sinks and toilets is not very good for the environment.

Another idea I had would be to get someone who is hygiene obsessed and someone who is against all of these chemical based products to swap lifestyles for a few weeks and to see how they cope and whether they would benefit from making lifestyle changes. For this idea you would need expert opinions and medical advice too.

This is still a work in progress.......

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