A self portrait, you ask?? I think this had to be one of the most difficult photographs to take. Instantly a stream of questions enter the self-conscious mind. How do I want myself to come across? Do I do my whole face? Are my ears really that big?
For inspiration we looked at a few examples of self portraits. One that really stuck in my mind was Noah Kalina who took a photograph of himself everyday for 6 years and then played the images using stop animation to show how he aged. While watching the video I felt a sense of emptiness, 6 years of this man's life were whittled down to 5 minutes. However it also felt rather inspiring, Kalina's dedication to this project has earned himself well over 13million hits on youtube.
For me though time was a factor. So I thought I'd focus on the eyes, being the 'Window to the soul' and all that jazz. My piercing gets quite a bit of attention which can be a good thing, it's a great conversation starter but can get tiresome when people think that it is the only interesting thing about you. "You know Keiran with the piercing" is not how I want to be remembered. But then again it is kind of a signature and the thing that stands out most on my face. I did not want to take myself too seriously hence the wide-eyed look, because I'm not an overly serious person. I also tried to limit myself to taking just a few shots and picking one quickly because I knew I'd get too finicky. So here is me, trying to be me.
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